Cultural Center of the Philippines


La Purisima Corazon de Maria

(The Most Immaculate Heart of Mary) / 1850 / Ivory face and hands, wig, glass eyes, brocade, tulle, silver halo, pearls, on wooden base / 29.21 cm (height) / Artist: Leoncio Asuncion / Heirs of Vicente and Rafael Asuncion collection

A folk penchant for realism led to the creation of images along the style of fashioning dolls not entirely carved of one material, like marble, wood, or ivory, but out of various materials to furnish the desired textures. Classicism, however, could be observed in this particular work by Asuncion, such as in the benign but restrained expression of the ivory face and the relaxed, open hands. Matching the cream color of the ivory is the rich peach color of the brocade, embroidered with gold thread that sets off the red felt heart of Mary, which is pierced by seven swords. Elaborately executed is the silver halo behind the head of the Virgin.
