Cultural Center of the Philippines
Diaphanous B-XXXI
1980 / Oil on canvas / Approximately 244 x 213 cm / Artist: Romulo Olazo / Oscar and Marylou Hilado collection.
This painting belongs to the Diaphanous series based on an original collagraph technique developed by Olazo. It consists of exceedingly fine transparent screens in layers that overlap and create interesting patterns of relative density and transparency. Color is restrained to cool monochrome blues and greens, with hints of yellow and rose. With this particular effect, the artist is able to achieve light ethereal effects or luminous passages in the thin films of color that filter the light from the surface to increasing depths. The artist approaches color as an objective phenomenon, although he does not exclude nor negate the subjective dimension, for such a subtle art may be expressive of highly nuanced states of feeling.
The work invites the viewer to mentally review the painting process as he strips layer after layer like thin veils of illusion until nothing but the ground remains, and then reverses the process as the painting is once more recomposed and one appreciates the total image in depth. Olazo has often modified the basic layering process by crumpling and folding the fine diaphanous tissues, by heightening tonal play in thin sharp facets, and by superimposing quick gestural strokes to stimulate the surface. The total effect is one of quiet sumptuousness and delicate elegance.
Written by Alice G. Guillermo